Short: HTML/LaTeX for LigaManger Author: (Christian T. Steigies) Uploader: (Christian T. Steigies) Version: 1.07 Requires: ARexx, LigaManager (registered version!) Type: util/rexx

LM2xxx is a set of ARexx macros to convert LM_output files to HTML/LaTeX. Currently "Tabellen" and "Ergebnisse" can be converted.

This readme is outdated! Since LigaManager is german only, I have written a german guide. I will not change this readme (until Ligamanager goes international ;-) but most of the points mentioned here should remain valid.

You ask, what is LigaManager. Hmm, have a look on aminet and find a demo version in biz/dbase. I extracted the intro from the dok file: (german only, perhaps Marcus will write an english version some day? ;-) I heard that even outside germany people play soccer, icehockey, ...

LigaManager ist ein Programm zur Archivierun...
...einfach den f�r Ihre
Liga passenden Begriff.
--------------------- \end{Werbung}

Install: ——– If you have a make utility available (GNU make, smake), just do a: "make install" to install the LM_xxx2HTML macros. If you (also) want to convert to LaTeX, you have three options to install the files with the makefile: 1.) install by copying the files there "make install_copy" 2.) install by creating softlinks "make install_soft" ("ln" required) 3.) install by creating hardlinks "make install_hard"

If you don't have a make utility, you have to copy the rexx files to REXX:, set the links if you need them and copy convert.bat to s: See the makefile for further info (or install GNU make ;-)

Why using links? Well, the files converting to HTML are the same which convert to LaTeX, so you will save some space on your precious harddisk by using links.

Usage: —— In LigaManager select in Optionen/Drucken "in Datei" and deselect "Steuerzeichen", display a "Tabelle" or "Ergebnis" and press Right-Amiga P to print it in a file (usually to RAM:LM_output). To convert this type (from a shell): > rx LM_xxx2HTML ram:LM_output > rx LM_xxx2LaTeX ram:LM_output The converted file ends up in ram: as ERG.html or TAB.tex or... I tested the output with AWeb-Demo, Voyager-NG Demo, Netscape (MAC) and PasTeX/LaTeX2e. A Voyager problem with centering in tables is circumvented. If you find a mistake, please send the LM data file to me (MIME encoded).

LigaManager3.1 will support "Druck-Kommandos" before and after printing. Use this to automagically convert files printed to a file. For the supplied LM_convert.bat, which is installed in s: by the makefile, enter the following in Optionen/Druck-Kommandos w�hlen vor jedem Drucken: delete nach jedem Drucken: execute s:LM_convert.bat The converted files will be numbered, so you can convert a number of files without overwriting the older ones. Note: I had to include the full path to the "rx" comand in LM_convert.bat to get things going. If your path to rx differs from mine, change it in LM_convert.bat.

Important (when using the rexx macros by hand): ———————————————– Save only one "Tabelle" or "Ergebnis" in the outputfile! Print only as ASCII output, no ESCAPE sequences, please. Allways call the macros with > rx LM_ERG2HTML or > rx LM_ERG2HTML.rexx No absolute pathnames, please. They won't work. Even if they would work, they would not be neccessary, since the rexx files are in REXX:

TODO: —– - more output formats (AmigaGuide?) - convert "Kastentabellen", "Statistik", "Serien", ... - switch off DOCTYPE/HTML HEAD with an option? :-( - LM2xxx as C program (silly idea to do it in AREXX ;-)

Known Bugs: ———– - You need the registered Version of LigaManager to create LM_output files. One might call this a feature ;-) - "Ergebnisse" with no "Datum" will not be converted, way too booring...

Credits: ——– Thanks go to: - Marcus Stratmann(!) for: writing LigaManger, asking me NOT to write these macros ;-) supplying me with useful information to make these macros work and finally allowing LM to call them automagically (convert.bat) - J and S G�hler for betatesting - the folks in the newsgroups providing me with useful AREXX information, did you ever read the _manual_? Thanx Patrick! - Martin Gierich for the ZShell, which makes life much easier most of the time (but extremely hard sometimes ;-)